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| #!/bin/bash
# Kali Linux ISO recipe for : Top 10 Mate non-root ######################################################################################### # Desktop : Mate 1.8 # Metapackages : kali-linux-top10 # ISO size : 1.36 GB # Special notes : Non root user installation enabled through preseed.cfg. # : This script is not meant to run unattended. # Look and Feel : Custom wallpaper and terminal configs through post install hooks. # Background : http://www.offensive-security.com/kali-linux/kali-linux-recipes/ #########################################################################################
# Update and install dependencies
apt-get update apt-get install git live-build cdebootstrap devscripts -y
# Clone the default Kali live-build config.
git clone https://gitlab.com/kalilinux/build-scripts/live-build-config.git
# Get the source package of the debian installer. # The default Kali preseed file lives here, and will need changing for non-root user support.
apt-get source debian-installer
# Let's begin our customisations:
cd live-build-config
# The user doesn't need the kali-linux-full metapackage, we overwrite with our own basic packages. # This includes the debian-installer and the kali-linux-top10 metapackage (commented out for brevity of build, uncomment if needed).
cat > config/package-lists/kali.list.chroot << EOF kali-root-login kali-defaults kali-menu kali-debtags kali-archive-keyring debian-installer-launcher alsa-tools locales-all xorg #kali-linux-top10 EOF
# Add the new Mate 1.8 as a Windows Manager. # We instruct live-build to add external MATE repositories and add relevant keys. # Taken from http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/download
mkdir -p config/archives/ echo "deb http://repo.mate-desktop.org/archive/1.8/debian/ wheezy main" > config/archives/mate.list.chroot wget http://mirror1.mate-desktop.org/debian/mate-archive-keyring.gpg -O config/archives/mate.key.chroot
# We download a wallpaper and overlay it.
mkdir -p config/includes.chroot/usr/share/wallpapers/kali/contents/images wget http://1hdwallpapers.com/wallpapers/kali_linux.jpg mv kali_linux.jpg config/includes.chroot/usr/share/wallpapers/kali/contents/images
# We add a chroot hook to add the MATE archive-keyring, and install MATE. # We even configure some of the terminal settings and wallpaper.
cat > config/hooks/mate.chroot<< EOF #!/bin/bash wget http://mirror1.mate-desktop.org/debian/mate-archive-keyring.gpg apt-key add mate-archive-keyring.gpg rm -rf mate-archive-keyring.gpg
apt-get --yes --force-yes --quiet --allow-unauthenticated install mate-core mate-desktop-environment-extra
dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set org.mate.background picture-filename '/usr/share/wallpapers/kali/contents/images/kali_linux.jpg' dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set org.mate.interface gtk-theme 'BlackMATE' dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set org.mate.interface icon-theme 'mate' dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set org.mate.terminal.profile:/org/mate/terminal/profiles/default/ background-darkness 0.86 dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set org.mate.terminal.profile:/org/mate/terminal/profiles/default/ background-type 'transparent' dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set org.mate.terminal.profile:/org/mate/terminal/profiles/default/ background-color '#FFFFFFFFDDDD' dbus-launch --exit-with-session gsettings set org.mate.terminal.profile:/org/mate/terminal/profiles/default/ scrollback-unlimited true
cp -rf /root/.config /etc/skel/
# We modify the default Kali preseed which disables normal user creation. # We copied this from the debian installer package we initially downloaded.
mkdir -p config/debian-installer cp ../debian-installer-*/build/preseed.cfg config/debian-installer/ sed -i 's/make-user boolean false/make-user boolean true/' config/debian-installer/preseed.cfg echo "d-i passwd/root-login boolean false" >> config/debian-installer/preseed.cfg
# Go ahead and run the build! lb build